Finding My Place in a Global Community: A Personal Journey



The reason why I am writing this article is that I met the owner of a design company online. Through fate, I learned that he privately meets with people who have questions about life or career and helps them find answers. I took the opportunity to schedule a meeting with him, hoping that he could guide me. After preparing some questions for him, we spent some time talking. He believed that my life had depth and that I could write something, so he challenged me to write 5,000 words about my story for 30 consecutive days. This is the beginning of this series of articles. Later, I decided to write these articles from the perspective of an adventurer because it is the only positioning that has been continuously impacting my life.

At first, this challenge was very difficult for me because I had never written about myself before. Also, since there were 30 articles, I had to include everything I knew to reach the target of 5,000 words for each one. However, I also knew that I had many stories and experiences that I could share with more people. Through this challenge, I hope to understand myself better and let readers get to know me more.

The goal of these articles is to let readers get to know me. If anyone is interested in working with me after reading this series, please contact me on social media platforms or through email. It will be easier to find me that way. Finally, I look forward to establishing a good working relationship.

Basic Introduction

My name is Lisa and I am 30 years old. I am Taiwanese and belong to the autism spectrum disorder community, currently residing in Taiwan. I graduated from translation studies in college and spent a year and a half studying in the Philippines and also went to the Czech Republic as an exchange student. Due to health issues and depression, I sometimes struggle with life. Although I once tried to pursue a career in science, I failed and later found out the reason why through reading online materials. Recently, I have been pursuing a career as a video editor, trying to develop my skills in this area.

In order to develop my editing skills, I plan to practice extensively every day, learning everything from the editing process to the creative details. Although I have failed in managing my personal brand in the past and do not like the concept of treating people as a brand or commodity, I am still trying to run it so that I have more opportunities to take on projects. In the next 30 days, I will work hard to complete one article per day (although I have already failed, I will still try to write 30 articles) to let more people get to know me.

My future goal is to develop my career abroad and become a digital nomad. To achieve this, I need to prepare more things such as visas, language skills, and skills that allow me to work on a laptop. I will continue to work hard to manage my personal brand so that I can find more job opportunities in the future.

Personality and Preferences

I am an introverted, honest and serious person with a rich imagination and fantasy. Therefore, I always have many dreams and ideals that I hope to achieve one day. Although my memory is not very good, I am interested in many different things and consider myself to be scientifically inclined. I love science, but I am not very interested in religious beliefs and superstitions. I prefer to know and understand people in a more objective way than to judge them by their horoscope. The things I like usually expand my horizons, so I like to visit museums, exhibitions, watch movies, watch anime and play games. However, due to time constraints, I can't do what I like every day. However, I believe that these hobbies have always inspired me to make decisions that others would not, rather than just staying in situations that I do not like due to social perceptions.

As I have grown older, I have had many different interests and experiences that have led me to discover many interesting commonalities, but one of the commonalities of these interests is that they are not admired by my peers, so few people are willing to share them with me or discuss my favorite topics. As much as I would like to share my interests and discuss them with others, unfortunately I have not been a trendsetter or a charismatic person.

In addition, some of my interests were very new and quirky, but I was often ridiculed by my peers as boring. This hurts me, but I can't help but express similar disdain for other people's interests. Recently, thanks to advances in algorithms, I have been able to find people with similar interests more easily, which has made me less existentially anxious than before. Although interests are not as important to me anymore, I still want someone to understand and accept my ideas.

I spent a lot of time watching TV instead of reading when I was a kid, so my expression skills are not too good, but I have read a lot of things, and personally I think there are still a lot of people who don't have as much experience as I do in this area. Reading books is very slow, absorbing very slowly, but feel that slowly look at the content written by the author is very interesting, so the book still has the value of existence, just not so utilitarian orientation, not only for the examination or earn money to read.

I'm not sure if these interests have had an impact on my life, and I'm not sure if I'm born with a love of science, but I do watch it. I find the content very meaningful.

Animation often depicts the power of friendship, which is why I love bloodthirsty animation. In real life, I also hope to find friends who share the same interests as myself. However, I don't seem to have found such people yet. Most people are not interested in me, probably because my interests and ideas are a bit unique, or maybe because we don't have much in common. I hope to find someone who understands me, who I can relate to, and who is willing to share my joys and sorrows.

I've been interested in playing video games since I was a kid, and I've been interested in it ever since. Although I mainly play mobile games now, I also play single player games occasionally, but I don't get to interact with other players as much. After all, most of the players are male, and sometimes I can't have a normal conversation with them. However, I must admit that I have an addiction problem with video games. If I don't watch a video for a day, I may not feel anything, but if I don't play video games for a day, I lose a day's worth of rewards. It's a little frustrating because I can't find anything else that I'm good at that gives me that sense of accomplishment. I think I have other talents, but I have to give them up because of interpersonal problems, which makes me feel very unfair.

I spent a lot of time exploring new interests as an adult because of the delayed entry into society. These interests include psychology, astronomy, drones, floristry, self-media, marketing, editing, and more. Although I haven't spent a lot of time studying systematically, I haven't done much with it. Psychology and floriculture were started because I was depressed. Drones and astronomy were learned because of my curiosity. Self-media and marketing are for selling floral artwork. Editing is something I learned in order to better manage my own self-publishing and marketing. I can say that these interests are intertwined. I have an open mind and a growth mindset about the world, and I am always learning new things from it. However, one of my shortcomings is that my brain waves are weak and when I find something interesting, I act quickly to learn more and explore.

How do I deal with people and other things?

When communicating, I value a balance of emotion and reason, as well as clear logic and orderly presentation. Although I may not be very organized, I believe that clear logic and orderly presentation are very important when speaking and acting. I tend to get confused and impatient if I sense that the other person's presentation is not clear, and this makes me take my own presentation more seriously. Of course, I also like to remind people by questioning and raising doubts, but often this is misunderstood as me picking on them, which makes me very helpless. In such a social atmosphere, it is difficult to discuss the right answer, which also makes me feel a little frustrated.

In addition, when communicating with others, I also pay close attention to expressing my emotions. I believe that emotional expression is a very important part of communication, which allows us to better understand each other's thoughts and feelings. Of course, if I express my emotions too aggressively or inappropriately, it will also bring bad influence to the other party. Therefore, I try to control my expression of emotions to make it more appropriate and effective.

Lastly, I would like to say that even when I am pointed out as wrong, I try to learn from it and make myself better. Of course, this doesn't mean that I won't feel uncomfortable, but I will try my best to get out of that emotion and improve myself. I hope to meet more people in the future who are willing to communicate constructively with me and grow and improve together.

I have encountered people who like to offend others and their behavior is really bad and I can't stand it. Their behavior was not only hurtful to me, but also to the whole group. To make matters worse, the higher-ups didn't seem to care, which made me very angry. Fortunately, such people rarely showed up after I left school. Even when they did, I could choose to stay away from them. Maybe I just don't fit in at a normal school. Or maybe I just couldn't adapt to society's pedantic values and was often ridiculed for being too decent. However, this experience of bullying also made me stronger in my beliefs and made me more aware and concerned about whether other people were going through similar things.

Dreams and goals

My dreams seem to reproduce asexually, with a new dream popping up every once in a while. Most of these dreams have not yet been accomplished, and I suspect that they have not yet been realized because they require too much help and planning, resulting in slow progress step by step.

However, I believe that dreams can give people a reason to live, and if they are not realized, it seems that life is wasted.

My earliest dream was to become a biologist, working in conservation and ecology. At that time, I only wanted to study well, not realizing that such a dream would have a very low chance of success for a person with low cultural capital and an Asian ethnic group like me. As we all know, I failed. Now, I can only talk about my failure on the Internet and look for other ways out.

Despite all this, I have not given up on this dream. It was the first time I had a sense of destiny and felt I was good at understanding the concept behind it, which made me want to keep trying. In my assessment, school is really a waste of time for me. Maybe, in the future, I can raise funds or earn a lot of money to achieve my goal of publishing papers, instead of having to follow the system to do research.

Later, after many setbacks in the system of education, I had a new idea to reform the university system. Further, I hoped that one day I could start a school of my own, so that at least I would not put those who were hungry for knowledge in danger. However, this idea does not have a very strong desire to be realized, and it is not high on my list of priorities and will not be realized until I am very influential.

I have two other dreams, one of which is to write fiction or stories and introduce science and the world through that means. Of course, I admit that I'm not on track yet, but the advent of ChatGPT seems to have made this easier to achieve. However, I must also admit that this is still in the planning stage, as is my other dream of building a school.

Another dream is to explore and become an explorer. I want to learn more about the world and experience the unknown and exciting adventures. Although I have traveled abroad a few times, none of those trips have fulfilled me or achieved the real adventure I had in mind. Realizing this dream requires many things, not only courage and good planning, but also fellow travelers and funds. I admit that I am not ready to realize this dream, but I believe I can find a way to achieve it.

When I know enough about the world or find something of interest on my adventure, I can return to my first dream of becoming a biologist and doing research. This is one of the parts I am most looking forward to, because I am very interested in natural science and want to contribute to biology.

Of course, I know that this path will not be easy and I may encounter many difficulties and challenges. However, I believe that as long as I keep working hard and keep my passion and belief in my dream, I will be able to realize my dream in the end. Even if I don't find any treasure in the end, I can still leave a wonderful record of my adventure, which is also a very valuable harvest.

The content of the following articles is planned

In the following articles, I will talk about my education at various times and how I started to go downhill from there. This is probably a running gag, so you can skip this part if you don't like it.

I will talk about high school and retake classes, and the impact of my Asperger's diagnosis in college. I had to leave school and deal with severe depression because of my inappropriate internet language. During this time, I saw a counselor for over six months, but still had trouble going back to school. The only thing I could do was play video games because I was not allowed to use the computer. In this environment, I tried to find a substitute and learn English, but I didn't make much progress because I didn't like the environment in Taiwan, and my dislike for Taiwan continues to this day. The education system in Taiwan brought me so much pain that I could only communicate with my friends on the Internet.

Then one of my friends told me that I could study in the Philippines, so I decided to go there and start a whole new study career. While studying in the Philippines, I encountered many challenges, but I also learned a lot. First of all, the language barrier was a big problem, as I didn't know the local language, which made many things more difficult. In addition, I had a hard time adapting to the local culture and curriculum, which made me feel more isolated, but I was happy with what happened afterwards.

After I felt uncomfortable in the Philippines, I started applying to other schools abroad. I decided to go to Hawaii for a wildlife conservation conference, and after this trip, I decided to intern at the Maui Ocean Center, which was a very meaningful internship where I learned a lot about marine life. It was a very meaningful internship and I learned a lot about marine life. It was also the most courageous time for me and I learned that the work might not be as easy as I thought, but it was acceptable. These trips cost a lot of money, and in retrospect it wasn't worth it. There seemed to be a better way to achieve it, but I couldn't think of one. To add insult to injury, my subsequent development did not go well, so much so that the investment seemed to have been wasted.

After returning to Taiwan from the Philippines, I went to the Ecology program run by National Tsing Hua University. I may have chosen the wrong course because it was not as productive as expected. I believe that I am the right person, the one who likes biology and will contribute to it.

I tried to contact the faculty at Cheng Kung University, hoping to study in a research institute, related to ecology, because it was close to home and the topic was big. My father has basically lost his parental function, and I only talk to my mother and sister, and with my mother's lack of support, I was still very depressed and frustrated, and finally had to go to Cheng Kung University's Hospital for further psychotherapy. The psychotherapy was long term and continues to this day.

Later, I took an academic test and re-entered a university in Taiwan, but I was already very defensive of my Taiwanese classmates and didn't want to participate in any activities, and because my classes were so boring, I started to look for new interests. I tried to take an international course on sustainable environments and met some African students, but I couldn't seem to make any further friendships, I just spoke more in class, which wasn't that hard for me. Although I was wary of my Taiwanese classmates, I accidentally met a student whose family ran a tutoring program. I think he inspired me to start my own business, and I found it interesting that he made some cultural and creative products. It was not until the eve of my graduation that I found someone selling dried flowers at a roadside stand and thought, "I think I can do that too. They are not aware of how to do business, how to improve efficiency and reduce working hours, and they are against my actions, not supporting them.

My family was willing to let me learn floral art to relieve stress because I could concentrate on my work and get into a state of mindfulness, but the teachers did not help me in my business. After that, I learned marketing, self-media and editing as I mentioned earlier, and started my own brand until now.

Lisa's Celestial Journeys
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